Hi, there! My name is Yaelin Jo, a data scientist studying at Yonsei University.
My philosophy
During my undergraduate years, I studied Business(or Business Administration) for my bachelor’s degree. The most important thing I learned from that time was that the business is a sum of choices. Choices can be made based on someone’s intuition, accumulated experiences or just customary practice. However, I believe the data must be the start of decision-making.
For a good decision, first, we need to define what the problem/situation is. And then we need to find what factor caused the problem/situation and try to find solutions. However, as time goes, this society is evolving so fast that it is hard to get a grasp of these questions. I believe the data is the key to solve this problem. It truly lead us to get a clearer and deeper understanding of the new challenging situation we face.
My interests
My interest is in Recommender System and Natural Language Processing.
Since more and more products and services come out on market, and much easier to reach them via online, We(especially me) are getting tired of making tons of choices in our dailylives. For that, Recommender System can be a strong tool for us and even for the company.
And Natural Language Processing is important, because the data isn’t just numbers. It can be the news, our reviews about products or our online comments. Dealing these texts(unstructured data) with NLP techniques is needed and must be based.
For details, I recommend you to visit my linkedin website!
- In progress
- 패널 PC 및 Mobile 클릭 스트림 데이터를 이용한 구매 예측
- 딥러닝을 활용한 악성댓글 탐지 및 문체 변형
- Finished
- 텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 AI 스피커 브랜드별 사용자 여론 비교 분석
- 스팸문자 분류 알고리즘 구현
- PMF recommendation model을 이용한 책 추천시스템 구현
- 2019 빅콘테스트 챔피언리그 최우수상(NCSOFT상)
- 잔존가치를 고려한 게임 유저 이탈 예측 모형 개발
- 2019 Samsung SDS Brightics Academy 데이터 분석 부문 1위 수상
- 제품 공정 불량률 예측 모형, 취식 브랜드 수요량 예측 모형 개발
- 2016 SK청년비상 창업경진대회 우수상
- 연세대학교 지음(구.십시일밥)의 새로운 브랜딩 및 BM(컵홀더 광고) 기획
- Python
- R